.last day.


9 May 2010

last paper dh abes. Far 300.
So, just wait for the result jela kan.
After exam sume dh abes, we takin' pictures for the last time.
After this, no more faces from 4A, no more jokin', no more lepak with u ols and everything.
Korang is the best thing ever happened in my life la. 
I love u guys. 
So, hopefully, pas neh sesape yg dh fly tuh, egt2 lah ak kat Msia neh kay.
Kalo jumpe kat lua, tego2 la. Fesbuk kan ade. hehe
This is our memory. 
I'll keep it in my mind. InsyaAllah forever.
Wish u all the best and keep trying. Dont try to give up!
Whatever u do, just believe in urself. Just ignore mulut2 yg x tawu nk tutup tuh. 
Ade rezeki, we'll meet again kay.

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