.buy people?.

Okay that title is just so weird..? Lol... So, i wasnt post anything for quite a long time, right? Hahaha! well, i am on TUMBLRRRRRR. hahahah! ops. sorry, one of the tumblr rules. We can't mention tumblr outside tumblr.
    whatever~! hahaahah

So, back to my topic. Beli orang? I keep on thinking about weddings and engagements stuffs. Sbb kat facebook, there's like lots of events. abang kawin, kawan kawin, mak kawin lain, bapak kawin lain. hahahah! kawan bertunang. and yes my friend. my high school so-called-friend. Lol.. sbb x berapa nak rapat. -_- she's engaged. and another one nak kawin dah.

So, bile terpikir pasal kawin ni, of course we'll come across the hantaran and mas kawin and stuffs right. Hari tu ade bdak ni, my officemate cakap yg kat sarawak bole kawin dgn harga RM53 kot..? and he said murah kan.

And i was thinking like omgeee.. You nak kawin dengan orang okay. not a car or clothes or what ever. someone yang akan you hidup sampai mati (insyaAllah) so, kenapa nak pkir harga tu murah? And in my opinion, the girls should letak like thousands not RM50.00 ++ mcm tu je.

Well, depends on ciri2 yang ade kat that girl la kan. like she has diploma, degree, master, phd or good looking, sopan and whatever yang positives la. Makin banyak positives nya makin mahal la kan. betul x?

But this is my words. i can say what ever i want because this is my blog. For those who dont like it, just

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