.9 May 2010.


Happy Mother's Day Pictures, Images and 

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the wide world over.

Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever. 

Mak, thanks for giving me everything that i want. 
Angah syg mak sgt2.
Happy Mothers Day, Mak.

♥ Thanks coz u always be by my side bile angah ad probs!
♥ Thanks coz u giving me birth!Thanks coz jadi my mom!
♥ Thanks coz believin' me!
♥ Thanks coz jadi the best friend that i ever have!
♥ Thanks coz appreciate me!
♥ Thanks coz mak x penah menyesal lahirkan angah!
♥ Thanks coz we still together!
♥ Thanks coz mak lahirkan kami, the siblings!
♥Thanks coz layan kerenah anak2 mu ini!
♥ Thanks coz mak x penah abaikan we all!
♥ Thanks coz kerja kuat semata2 untuk sesuap nasik!
♥ Thanks for the happiness that we get all this time!
♥ Thanks for the being strong!
♥ Thanks for the love that u givin' me!
♥ Thanks for everything!

Mom! Thanks a lot!

Even a thousand thanks that i said to you, will not be the same as the amount of love that u give to me!   (lantak lah tunggang terbalik pon ayat aku. asalkan aku faham maksudnye) 

 If i can, i want to shout out loud to all over the world and say how much I Love You, Mom!

Mak bole jaga 10 orang anak, tapi nape anak x ley jaga sorg je mak?
Angah akan jaga mak and abah till the end of my life. 

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