
i think there is nothing special for today..
but.. ha!! yes yes.. there is..
wake up in the morning, no class for 8.30 a.m..
then, waitin' for 10.30 a.m, FAR 300 class..
lect said tht "Please come early so tht we can finish the chptr 9 faster!"
so, glad tht i made it this morning!!
10.25 a.m. i'm in! hehe (5 minutes early! ;p)
after class..
about 12.30 p.m. plus minus.. hada told me tht she wants to renew her license!
so, i decided to follow her plus asmah n asmaliyana..
we went to JPJ and arrived there @ 1 p.m. perhaps..
and then GOSH!! they closed!! and will be opened @ 2.45 p.m.
my stomach singing~~ lalalalaa....~ (Love is in the ice from DBSK!) haha..
so, we decided to eat first while waiting for the counter to open..
waitin' waintin' waitin and waitin'..
time goes by until 2.45 p.m..
everything went smoothly..
after all, we decided to went back home.. tired already la... huhu..
but then, asmah give us an idea..
haha.. to bermelancong ke PUNCAK ALAM!
whoa!! haha i like!!
i've never been there since the launching of tht new branch of UiTM..
first impression on that college.. i was like.. OMG OMG OMG!!
so huge big biggesr biggest.. OMG!! i cant describe it.. just look for urself la.. haha..
just imagine.. there are about 4 or 5 bukit kat dlm tuh..
one of the bukit is the students apartment/ hostel..
pheww... mcm kondo..
but then, too sunyi la.. i dont like it.. huhu..
every building kat dlm u tuh, everything's new and beautiful..
the stairs... haha... tht is impressive.. u knw wht, i've never seen any stairs yg tgginye sebukit..
bak kate asmah, sape yg kurus lagi kurus n yg gemok akan kurus.. haha..
ntah la.. just take a look at it by urself..
ssh nk ckp.. 1 thing for sure.. UiTM induk yg luas tuh pon dah kalah..

sorry guys.. i just excited to see the place.. hahahaha...
okay la.. i think thts all about .today. kot..
anything new, i'll tell u guys later k..


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