.oish oish.

u know what..(uh.. of course u dont know.. u wont know either.. cuz i dont tell u rite.. haha)
today.. feeling like getting married.. duh..~~
haha.. excited icon Pictures, Images and Photos
cuz of those people who got married in this "We Got Married" program la..~
Gosh!! i really feel like i want to get married and have a husband like that..
btw, We got married is just a program like a reality show program for korean artists only.. (i think so, since there is no other program like that in other countryyyy... haha)
they will get married for 4 months, perhaps.. quite long rite.. huhu...
and there are so many artists involve.. Kim Hyun Joong with Hwang Bo, Jo Kwon with Ga In, Kangin with Yoon Ji.. and many more la..~ cant list it duh.. =p
Aish!! so romantic laa... i like it..

Neway, cont kay.. today i had watched the JoKwon and GaIn couple.. OMG.. so sweet.. snail Pictures, Images and Photos
huhu.. started from 12.30 p.m. till 7.30 p.m...
i had done nothing!! haha.. assignments, presentations.. evrytg hasnt stated yet.. huhu..
wish that 2morow i'll finish up those homeworksssss...

p/s : those links above are recommended for u to watch it!! better watch it... YAH!! =DDDD

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