.salah sape?.

ke kiri x kene..
ke kanan pon x kene..
nk ke depan? wt ape?
nk ke belakang? jadi ape lak?
korang mesti x paham kan..
haha.. sbb aku pon x paham ape yg aku nk ckp..
huhu.. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

cant bear when i face this kind of problem..
where i have to be 'org tengah'!!
its not really org tengah..
tp bila there's 3 people in this situation, does it mean, i org tengah?
penah ke korang jdi org tengah?? what kind of situation is that??
aku da penah kene byk kli da..
poor me!!
since secondary till now..
every single thing happened, i have to be org tengah..
love and friendship.. everybody come and find me to tell their probs..
WTH is that?? dont u think that i have my own problems too??
dont worry.. i am open with that..
anytime, anywhere, anyone, any problem.. just tell me.. (cam caunselor la plak!)

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