.layak ke?.


last sem break..
i had applied to be a model kt 1 mag neh.. (nama dirahsiakan wt sementara ye)
nobody knows bout it..
i do ask my mama bout it.. then, she said that "ikot suke angah la"
love my mom that way.. she's to open n sporting!!
then, i pon g la tangkap pics as they want me to.. i anta kt address tersebut..
after that, on 4th Feb 2010, they called me but unfortunately i didnt answered them!!
a day after that, on 5th Feb 2010, i call dorg plak..
Fuhh..~~!! dapat ckp gk at last..
"Ok adik.. 10 feb neh kitorang ade wt test show.. pkai baju yg ceria, kasut tumit and pkai make up sket ye.."
"Oh.. ok!"

so, later on.. sbb nk mnx tlg mbr temankan i ke tempat tersebut, i told my friends and housemates bout the test show.. i told them everything!
glad that they do support me!! thanks a lot guys!!

then, tggu punye tggu.. sampai la time nye..
thanks to Ulfah (for the make up and car)
thanks to mira kewim and enul (teman n support i)
thanks to my housemates (for your support, even though i always been teased by tenten)
and lastly thanks to my mom n family for everything!!

on 10th Feb 2010, i dengan memandu kete ulfah n ditemani mira plus enul ke ______... =D
this is it..

banyak tol problem time nk gi tempat tersebut..
dugaannye.. hanya Allah je yg tawu..

1st : lesen hilang.. mira + enul x bole bwk manual car..
2nd : ade road block?? So, ape lagi, i pon menggunakan kepandaian yg ade tok lari jejauh..
3rd : sesat? dah ade map tapi still sesat.. thanks to mira ( dah die berulang2 kali ckp, "naseb aku ikot, kalo x tah mn2 lagi korang sesat")
4th : dh sampai, tp kene tunggu turn la plak.. time kitorg smpai, aku baru je nk isi borang, then tetibe akk neh dah pggil masok bilik photoshoot.. ahh hampeh je!

at last, we made it!!
neway, thanks to all of you.. (bow.. thank you thank you..)

mira + enul :
kalo aku dpt masok this month,
aku blanje korang makan! amacam??

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