

I dont know how to express my feeling right now.

Sad, mad, depressed, everything and anything. 

Ergh! Am i a troublemaker, guys?

Bkn ape. Skg neh, baru je aku rase mcm tuh.

Ade sedara mcm takde. 

Nak mntak tolong pon mcm berkira aje.

Ssh tol kalo ade yg berkira neh. 

Baek  xyah ade sedara kalo mcm neh!

Nak mntak tolong family sendiri, family plak dok jauh.

Its hard for them to come here. 

Its too far far away. (Even though dalam Malaysia jugak!)

Xpe la wani, saba je. Saba separuh dari iman!
What goes around, comes around. 
Ari neh, orang x tolong kite, esok lusa, ntah ade ke x org nk tlg diorg tuh.

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