
memori lama dtg lagi..
kisah2 kat high school dlu..
adik2 angkat, akak2 angkat..
sampai nk terangkat..
yes, ak pon ad adik2 angkat..
thts me, myself.. so sape2 yg x suke ngn bnda2 neh, just Back off!
haha.. (kasar nmpk cik adik manisssss)
suke ati la.. lalala...

tht was my memories in high school..

now, memories kt Puncak Perdana pulak.. (Maklom la.. dh nk abes sem 4 dip dah kan.. huhu)

okay lets begin..

First time aku dpt offer letter from Uitm, i was like WOW! Shah Alam.. City, town, malls and everythings.. haha
very glad to be here.. but then, bile dh sampai kt sni, Astaghfirullah... istighfar panjang ak..
mana taknye.. kalo dh tmpt neh jauh dri sangkaan aku..
lebih kurang kt UUM la kot.. ala2 hutan cm tuh.. hukhuk.. ad bukit bukau.. tanah yang ala2 padang jarak padang terkukur.. no Malls, no City or town or wtsoever..
huhu mcm nk nanges je.. tp x pe.. ak tabahkan ati coz dtg sni nk blaja rite.. so, i dont need those things (actually really need it! ) haha..

and then bermula la hidup ku sebagai seorang mahasiswi Uitm Puncak Perdana.. seorang budak dri Pokok Sena, Kedah menempuh hidup di sebuah tempat yang entah mane2.. seorang diri.. something like mewakili SMK Sultanah Bahiyah.. yela coz xde langsung budak2 Bahiyah dtg sni kot! huhu.. ak sorg2 je.. so, terpakse la hidup sorg dri di sni dgn org2 yg ak x knl..

start sem 1 ak dpt class 1E.. rasa bodoh jugak la coz bagi ak cls hujung2 tuh nmpk cm tuh.. tp i was wrong.. Cls 1E the best.. dpt knl ngn ramai member2 yg agak gila or should i say they are crazy? haha sorry guys! the only boys in 1E : Farid, Chu, Rudy thats all kot.. sorry if i missed someone..

then, the next sem, ak tuka class.. 2A coz aimi and others nak masok cls A.. then, ak follow je dorg.. kat cls A bole la jugak.. ad the same person from cls A dlu.. mcm Cls E je la menyibok time tuh coz more than half adalah cls E.. haha.. mula2 rasa cm kekok jugak la.. coz x biasa ngn dorg.. but then, lama2 ak n yg laen dh okay and kitorg still same class till sem 4.. haha..

my buddies are Ainul and Mira.. thanks guys coz korang sggp jdi kawan ak even ak neh x betul sket.. haha.. wlupon kdg2 ak tension ngn korang (coz korang slalu je nk gado2 hahahahha.. ;p but then, we still together..) thanks Ainul coz setia dgr probs ak yg tah pape... Thanks Mira coz jadi mbr ak since Sem 1 lagi..

and then my housemates.. yg since 1 until now (sem 4) kitorg skali.. the same faces, the same room and the same attitude! haha... love u guys very much la!

  • kite same2 prank ufah? then ufah marah and told Bulan bout it?
  • kite kat Noodle's Station.. First time makan kat situ then tmpt tuh jadi our fav place
  • kite gi Times Square same2.. masing2 goin' crazy at the korean outlet... MyStar.. Esp Hada.. kite bli barang2 kt situ, shops bagai nak gile.. main kat Cosmos macam nk gile..
  • time Ramadhan, kite bukak puase same2.. style yg same.. Lauk yg agak same... haha
  • time Fartin and Ufah gado? haha.. at last dua2 nangis! kelakar...!
  • time kite same2 nk menari and ade satu mase tuh kite bersenam kul 1 pagi kot kat ruang tamu.. haha.. time tuh kalo x slh sbb tgh exam.. everybody is crazy!
  • Ratna blaja kete ngn Azlina and Ufah? ahahah.. Ratna, awk neh sengal la.. haha
  • i shout out loud to all of u.. to wake u up in the morning.. haha sorry for the disturbance!
  • i disturb u guys coz i'm bored! sorry guys!
  • u guys pour the bedak powder on my head on my birthday? thanks a lot for that!
sorry, there are so many things happened.. ak x bole nk list sume.. haha..

but one thing for sure!
and i dont think that i 'll forget this place and u guys..
u ols the best lah!! 

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