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a mom to a beautiful daughter and a wife to a loving man
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Assalamualaikum readers.. Kali ni nak cerita sikit pasal gangguan yang terjadi pada Alisya. Jumaat lepas (20 Nov 2015), dalam pukul 1 pt...
stress?? haha.. meh sni aii bgi tips tuk korang ilangkan stress.. watch this.. its hilarious! dont u think so?? and this one, Valentina...
title ni macam.... Hahahaha! Yes! Sape x nak kalau jadi menantu pilihan kan. Ish bertuahnye badan orang tuuuu. huhuhu. Actually, da...
Okay that title is just so weird..? Lol... So, i wasnt post anything for quite a long time, right? Hahaha! well, i am on TUMBLRRRRRR. hahaha...
I wanna see this movie!! aii n my housemate (hada) gonna see this movie on 26 Feb 2010 (means today!) aii ske horor movie .. y? coz aii rsa ...
masey mira... cuz tulun aku wt belog ne... hehe... cayunk kaw lebey sket..
So, just got back from KL yesterday. why? how? what? Lol.. Actually, me, my sister and my mom pegi Zhulian punya Malam Penganugerahan. Sinc...
Sape ada BFF? I want to wish u guys CONGRATULATION! Bukan senang nak ada BFF taw. Macam saye ni, teringinnnnnnn sangat nak ada BFF. Bole gel...
So, as y'all can see, kat my blog x de follow button tuh kan. I've edited their html so, xde lah follow button tuh. Bukan x nak bag...
I am so into that. Vintages like bags, clothes, and shoes. Omaigod. So nice la. But then, when i want to buy them, time tu la nak habis. ...